Polished Opal
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 2.6cts AAA Quality Mulga® N1 Body Tone B1 Brightness Saturation of Green & Blue tones 10x9x2.5mm GEM26
Australian Semi Black Crystal Opal Gemstone 10cts Vintage 40yrs+ Lambina SA N7 Body Tone B5 Brightness Stunning Multi fires & Floral pattern 17x17x4mm WSR74
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 1.9cts Gem Grade N5 Body Tone B2 Brightness Amazing Multi fires & Killer Ribbon pattern 17x9x1.5mm GEM999
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 2.2cts Coocoran Field N5 Body Tone B2 Brightness Stunning Multi fires & Mosaic/Block pattern 14x7x2.5mm GEM709
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 7cts Mulga® Field N2 Body Tone B2 Brightness Gorgeous Green & Blue fires 16x16x3mm GEM1000
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 6.8cts N1 Body Tone B2 Brightness Gorgeous Blue fires WSB661R
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 3.4cts N7 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Multi fires & play of colour 18x11x2mm GEM1344
Australian Black Opal Gemstone 3.9cts N4 Body Tone B3 Brightness Confetti Pattern Green / Blue fires 15x8x3mm GEM1227
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 1.2cts N6 Body Tone B1 Brightness Stunning Multi fires & Broad flash pattern 8x8x2.5mm GEM02
Crystal Opal Gemstone 5.9cts High Dome Top Notch Skin to Skin Bright GEM N8 Bodytone B2 Brightness WSA937
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 3.6cts N3 Body Tone B1 Brightness Gorgeous Vivid Blue fires 17x10x2mm GEM1111
Australian Black Opal Gemstone 2.2cts Gem Grade Mulga® Field N1 Body Tone B2 Brightness Stunning Multifires 14x8x2mm WSM106
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 1.45cts N2 Body Tone B2 Brightness Angel Fish Pattern Green / Blue fires 12x9x2mm GEM895
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Australian Black Opal Gemstone 3.9cts N2 Body Tone B2 Brightness Broadflash Pattern Green / Blue fires 16x12x2mm GEM1204
Crystal Opal Gemstone 2.85cts Gem Grade Mulga® N7 Body Tone B2 Brightness Amazing Display of Gorgeous Multifires 13x11x3.5mm WAC72
Lightning Ridge Dark Opal Gemstone Huge 14.8cts Jewellery Grade N6 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Vibrant Multifires 20x19x5mm WAC57
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 8.5cts N8 Body Tone B4 Brightness Stunning Multi fires Floral pattern 19x15x4.5mm GEM888
Lightning Ridge Black Crystal Opal Gemstone 2.00cts Gem Grade Mulga® N1 JET Black Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Very Bright Royal Blues 12x10x2.5mm UK05
Lightning Black Opal Gemstone 2.4cts Gem Grade Mulga® N3 Black Body Tone B4 Brightness Stunning Multifires 15x6x3mm UK06
Australian Black Opal Gemstone 1.85cts Gem Grade Mulga® N2 Black Body Tone B5 Brightness Stunning Multifires 8x7x4mm UK03
Australian Black Opal Gemstone 1.45cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Black Body Tone B4 Brightness Stunning Multifires 10x7x2.5mm UK02
Australian Black Opal Gemstone 0.85cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Black Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Multifires 7x5x2.5mm UK01
Lightning Ridge Semi Black Opal Gemstone 2.48cts N5 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Multi fires & play of colour 11x9x3mm WSF8877
Lightning Ridge Double Sided Dark Crystal Opal Gemstone 5cts Gem Grade N6 Body Tone B3 Stunning Blues with flashes of Greens 15x16x3mm WAC60
Lightning Ridge Dark Opal Gemstone 3.15cts Gem Grade Mulga® N6 Dark Body Tone B5 Brightness Stunning Multifires 13x11x3.5mm UK08
Lighting Ridge Dark Opal Picture stone Gemstone 5cts Jewellery Grade N6 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Multifires 23x11x2.5mm WAC63
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 2.6cts N7 Body Tone B1 Gem Grade Brightness Amazing Multi fires & broad flash pattern 15x10x2mm WSB314
Lightning Ridge Dark Crystal Opal Super High Dome Gemstone 5.75cts Jewellery Grade N5 Body Tone B3 Brightness Rolling Flash Royal Blues in deep bar 11x10x7mm 0707
Mulga Black Opal High Dome Gemstone 3.15cts Gorgeous unique shape with stunning blue/green/teals 15x10x3.5mm A1517
Lightning Ridge Black Opal Gemstone 1.85cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Black Body Tone B5 Brightness Stunning Multifires 12x5x2.5mm UK04
Australian Semi Black Opal Gemstone 2.5cts Gem Grade N5 Body Tone B3 Brightness Crystal body with Stunning Blue fires 12x7x3.5mm WSP53
TOPS Bling Thick veneer Gem Quality Doublet Gorgeous Patterns & Very Bright fires Lightning Ridge Crystal & Black Potch
Lightning Ridge Black Crystal Opal Gemstone 2.40cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Black Body Tone High dome B6 Brightness Stunning Royal Blues 10x6x5mm UK07
Australian Dark Crystal Opal Gemstone 3.9cts Jewellery Grade N6 Body Tone B4 Brightness Gorgeous Blue fires 12x10x4mm WAC59
Dark Opal Gemstone 3.2cts Jewellery Grade Mulga® Picture Stone N5 Body Tone B3 Brightness Nice Multifires 16x10x2.5mm WAC65
Dark Opal Picture stone Gemstone 1.6cts Gem Grade Mulga® N5 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Multifires 13x8x2mm WAC62
Black Opal Gemstone 0.35cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Body Tone B3 Brightness Stunning Green/Blue Fires 6x4.5x1.5mm WAC66
Lightning Ridge Black Crystal opal Gemstone N4 2.55cts Polished ready for setting Nice Blue colours 14x7x4mm SKU#0405
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Crystal Opal Gemstone 0.95cts N7 Body Tone B2 Brightness Broadflash & Brush Stroke pattern with TOP Multi colour fires WSA041021C
Lightning Ridge Light Opal Gemstone 0.7cts Gem Grade N8 Body Tone B2 Brightness Stunning Vibrant Multifires 8x6x2mm WAC58